I write about everything. Even before I share a message on Instagram, I’ll collect and narrate my thoughts. For interviews, speeches, but especially for manifesting and envisioning the life I want. There are many styles of writing I do that I find are powerful and helpful tools. You may have heard of some of these tips before and have some journals or notes already. If you do, try revisiting them and taking stock of your achievements. I often feel a sense of immense pride for my efforts when I realize that my dream has been actualized.
The main function of journal writing is to record events and experiences from a narrative point of view. As soon as you do that you are able to understand what is presented from a different perspective and get on with living your life. It does not have to be, but it is better if it is on paper. As I type this now, memories of journaling at a young age come flooding back. I remember my Mom breaking the lock on my diary – desperate to read what I was going through during my teenage years. Going back and reading those pages, I love how I am able to reimagine myself as I was during that time, in those thoughts, with that challenge, and most importantly how I got through that experience.
At the beginning of my journaling journey, I noticed I only came to my diary when I was sad. Of course, writing about difficulties comes easily. Moaning to my precious dear diary; however, isn’t the most enjoyable achievement to look back on. Writing when I am the happiest, accomplished, and fulfilled will help to document those moments, so if I ever feel lost and unhappy (which I inevitably will) I’ll have a reference point. It takes practice, but putting those fleeting moments into words will immortalize that feeling.
I often can be seen writing after a lesson to jot down my inspirations from class, how I felt, and to keep track of my progress. If I go back to my diary, even years back, I can see exactly what exercise I did on that day, monitor, and motivate myself. I was recently able to show a friend the exact workout I did on her wedding day. She was astounded that I would even have the time to work out, much less be able to show her the exact routine that I did.
That is why I recommend journalling in my exercise challenge program, the FitSphere 21 Day Challenge, to track your progress to help you stay motivated, inspired, and check-in with yourself and how you are feeling. It includes reminders that I find super helpful to stay positive and help to develop healthy habits.
It’s all the more important to organize your thoughts the more you have to do. For example, if I need to travel out of the country I will write a packing list with the key items that the trip surrounds. i.e. video camera, sound equipment, event looks. Depending on how many workstreams I have I’ll write a daily, weekly, or project-based to-do list. Using an app like Evernote that syncs to all devices makes it easier to jot down and be productive wherever and whenever.
A circle, because everything feeds into the next and the right back to you. There is no beginning and there is no end. Your pursuit is constant, evolving, ever-changing, and new. It is important to write your biggest dreams down because that is a manifestation of your life goals. Read them back to yourself, out loud especially if you are straying from your goal. It’s a reminder of the bigger picture. That there is something greater than yourself that you are working on.
I would recommend writing your dream circle on a full moon, new moon, eclipse, or new year. It can be written as a list or a couple of columns with arrows for overlapping connections. You can draw it as a sphere, a pyramid, or draw in pictures. Once written it’s your responsibility, your focus is to always make sure that your dream circle is satisfied and that your goals are envisioned. It is your life’s work, and they will be your life’s guiding light to keep striving for and keep in motion. I will update my dream circle every now and again to tick the boxes on the life goals that have been accomplished. Ticked FitSphere already:)
It’s not silly to love yourself. If you love yourself you would not do yourself harm or others, you have respect for humanity, and recognize that deep down we all want to be loved. When you write a love letter to yourself, speak as you would to the person you love most. Mine will start something like:
Dearest Liv,
You are the most beautiful, resilient, and honest person you know. Thank you for always doing the seemingly hard thing, for working on yourself, and providing services to your students, and sharing your truth. I love the way…
I carry all kinds of notebooks with me. Reminders in A4, A3, and pocket notebooks. I jot down my ideas, inspiring words, messages I hear from nature, moments that sync with the universe, motivating thoughts from the radio, podcasts, or music I am listening to. Even better, if you can find sustainable paper and notebooks. Cutting down more trees is not part of my heart’s desire.
I find that writing things down helps me to remember to make them happen. Almost as if because it is written it will be done. Writing keeps me responsible for my actions and keeps track of my progress.
To manifest is to create. To make the life of our dreams. It doesn’t mean you have to be creative, but it does mean you have to clearly envision what you want for yourself then do the work necessary to enact those visions. Schedule a time to journal your manifestations and make a habit of it today!
a positive practice for when life is difficult
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